District 5180 is conducting Superhero Training Camp: Connecting the Three Essentials... Membership, Foundation and Public Image/Brand.
When: August 7, 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
What: Special training focusing on the three essentials for our Rotary Clubs: building our membership, increasing our Foundation giving and getting our story out to our local communities.
Who should attend? All club presidents, membership chairs, Foundation chairs and public image chairs (and, as always, any other club members who can benefit from this training!)
Why attend? New club leadership needs this time together to refocus, re-energize and renew their club's efforts on how to grow membership, best approaches to building Foundation support and knowing how to get your message out to the community about all the wonderful things Rotary does!
Registration is now open: https://www.rotary5180.org/