This week, the Rotary Club of Marysville had the opportunity to hear about a critically important subject - perhaps even more important now, in light of the additional weight the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on our community. We heard from Sarah Eberhardt-Rios, MPA of Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health and Gina Ehlert, a national trainer for a new mental health training program. 
This program trains people - regular people - how to spot mental health concerns, in your personal life, at your office, your church, among your friends. More importantly, it teachers you how to help and provide that "first aid" when someone needs it. Please view this video and see if you might want to get trained in this life-saving skill.   
If you're interested in taking the training, reach out to Dawn Redmond and she can share current opportunities. You can also call her at (530) 822-7200 ext. 2220.